She Werks Hard For The Money

Bartenders Are Not Robots

Nina-Marie Scalera Season 1 Episode 52

Hey hard werkin people! Welcome back to another solo episode with your girl Neenscale. Summer is in full swing and you better be picking up those extra shifts to make that dough while you still can. Feeling a little burnt out?! Well Nina is here to commiserate with you and share her summer experience as a bartender in the city.
She also gives a  quick lesson or should we say, reminder, to those born with silver spoons in their mouth, that hospitality workers are people too and deserve respect, gratitude and patience. 
Nina whips up a seasonal mezcal cocktail inspired by a sober creator she follows on insta. Check out her crafting video and credit on the SWHFTM instagrams page. 

 "The only thing I like about rich people is their money"